Zhineng Qigong movements in daily life

Regular practice changes movements. If something can be done with less strain, the body remembers and uses it. This is how movements change in everyday life. An example: I was at the dentist's, had to open my mouth. The doctor asked me to let go. She needed more space, a larger opening. I released the tension of the muscles and did it. This was done in seconds. Why? It corresponds to the releasing of tension as we practise it with Zhineng Qigong. With minimal tension remaining we hold the postures in the movement and move our extremities. It is easy and flowing and qi supports us in it. We apply this knowledge unconsciously in everyday life. The muscles are relaxed, they can regenerate. In this way we can make many movements, are fresh and full of energy after the exercises. With muscle power alone we would be exhausted, powerless. Posted in German by detlef, translated into English by dolores