
Showing posts from January, 2010

Wallsquats - Dun Qiang Fa

A simple exercise to straighten out the body. Small children squat naturally - even for long time. From school age on we hardly squat. So we lose this capability again. As adults we can't do it any more. This is due to modern lifestyle. With the wallsquats we can learn to do it again and get back to former agility. Although the motion sequence is very simple, many mistakes are possible. We need the checking of a good teacher. With muscle power you can only do a few wallsquats. When the movement is done with qi, many repetitions are possible. A good teacher knows how to do the movement with qi and can explain it in detail. These were some additional exercises that are known in the Zhineng Qigong system. Further exercises will not be explained here.  

Zhineng Qigong Spiral

With very many persons a circle gets too large. The Zhineng Qigong spiral is an open circle with movement towards the center of the circle. A large qi field is created with its highest effect in the center of the spiral. This increases the qi effect to a maximum. A very good teacher knows how to make  a Zhineng Qigong spiral. Posted in German by detlef,  translated into English by dolores  

Zhineng Qigong Circle

A special method to transmit qi. Several persons make a circle. One to three persons go into the center of the circle. All persons stand or sit. From the circle qi is sent into the center of the circle. There are more than 4 directions on the compass. The effect of the diagonal directions is stronger. A circle is the concentration of qi from all directions. This increases the effect of qi onto the persons in the center of the circle to a maximum. A very good teacher knows how to make a Zhineng Qigong circle. Posted in German by detlef,  translated into English by dolores